Last week 19,125 people searched for a retirement village on
Annualised over 12 months this delivers 994,500 searches. Compared to the same period last year, 20 - 26 May 2014, the weekly visits have jumped from 15,607 or 23%.
33% are return visits, people making more than one search, meaning approximately 660,000 people are in the market in 2015 for a seniors accommodation solution.
The sobering facts is that this year just 20,000 retirement village homes (new and resales) will be put on the market. I.e. 660,000 people are searching but only 20,000 homes are available to buy.
Our McCrindle Baynes research, and others, verify that people start looking for a retirement village when a health-related event occurs in their life. Simply put, a problem has emerged and they are looking for a solution.
Demand appears to be exceedig supply, and growing rapidly.We at will be working hard to capture that growth in consumer interest with further innovations to our web service rolling through the next quarter.