McMillan also reviewed the net outcome of the merger of the Retirement Village Association with the Property Council after three years and the establishment of the Retirement Living Council, labelling it a success.
He pointed out the RVA was not supported by all the major (private) operators which handicapped its resources for advocacy and other initiatives. All the majors are now behind the Property Council and the RLC.
The milestones over the three years:
• Membership has grown across the major and minor operators plus a number of Not For Profits.
• An improved accreditation program has been introduced
• Increased transparency in contracts is taking place
• A new village manager training program has been developed and is in the field
• Investment has been made in important research – dementia, the economics of the village business
(For reader’s interest, the Retirement Living Council is a sub sector of the Property Council, similar to the Shopping Centre Council. The RLC has 18 members, operators of all sizes that have paid an annual fee of around $15,000 to sit at this head table. The alternative is to be a straight state member of the Property Council).
The merger of the RVA and RLC/Property Council reviewed
December 01, 2015