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The international study tour of West Coast USA organised by marketing agency One Fell Swoop has just returned from inspecting 18 retirement communities and high service hospitality businesses across Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco in 10 days.
Possibly prescribing excessive doses of morphine has resulted in Sydney GP Lamorna Osborne, aged 57, having her registration suspended.
The 50 employees of Mercy Health in Warrnambool (VIC) have rejected a 12.5% wage increase for nurses and 14.5% for care staff as they will still earn $25 per week less than local private care staff.
In the US major private and not-for-profit operators are closing aged care beds in response to the rapid growth of home care, and in particular private home care, which is taking market share from traditional not-for-profit operators.
South Africa, like Australia, has a breadth of seniors accommodation around the retirement village model, operated by private and not for profit developers.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.