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The Queensland Government is the first to place retirement villages in the Housing portfolio, rather than the Consumer Affairs portfolio. As part of this move it has initiated a review of the retirement village sector and the Retirement Villages Act..
Leading West Australian aged care providor, Rosewood Aged Care Group, has joined most care providors in placing a hold on current and future new developments of low and high care facilities while seeking the Federal Govermnet to review its cuts in funding.
The Productivity Commission's (PC) draft report, ‘Caring for Older Australians' paints a damning picture of the current aged care systems in place and recommends fundamental changes - new funding models & more consumer control.
More than a third of people at risk of bowel cancer have never heard of the government-funded test to detect it early, a survey has found. New research shows knowledge of bowel cancer is alarmingly low among 50 to 75 year-olds, those most likely to develop the disease.
Bev Frichot and Pauline Horton are Guardian Angels - that is, they are part of the Guardian Angel Knitting Program run by World Vision and Guardian Pharmacies that involves people knitting clothes for the world's poorest children.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.