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Two stories this week that demonstrate the contribution that state resident associations can and do deliver the sector and operators.
New residents, operators and state resident associations are all engaging with our new specialist law firm, Villages Legal Services, which provides a flat rate village contract review in five working days for $1,000.
In his WA Property Council Retirement Living Conference presentation yesterday Ernst & Young partner Marcus Willison stated that three major deals “that will support the sector” will soon take place.
The owners of nineteen villages and aged care facilities, with 2,000 residents, have agreed in principal to join together to form a company called Hercules Ltd to list on the NZ stock exchange.
Wollongong community based IRT CEO Nieves Murray continues there expansion into QLD with tenders announced for the construction of a 107 ILU village plus 60 suite care facility at Kawana Forest.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.