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After a two year battle against community groups and the National Trust, Rhondda Peploe’s Continuing Health Care of Western Australia has received approval from the Federal Minister of Environment, Greg Hunt, to build an 89 bed care facility on abandoned Navy land on Middle Head.
Sydney based private client home care operator, DIAL-AN-ANGEL, is merging with Government funded home care operator, Nextt.
Wednesday we met with Scott Elliot, managing director of Walter Elliott Holdings and his youthful Palm Lakes CEO, Manuel Lang at their Southport HO.
Last week Bruce Herat and I met with Mark Bindon, CEO of Oak Tree villages, on a rare occasion he was in his Brisbane office.
It was with shock and great sadness that we learnt on Saturday the passing of Jan Pritchett; she had suffered a brain aneurysm.
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Our fortnightly newsletter brings you all the tips and tricks you need for a successful retirement, covering everything from finances and property, to health and happiness. Get prepared and sign up here.